The Last Supper Painting by Leonardo Da Vinci
The Last Supper
(Click picture to enlarge)
"The Last Supper" is a painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. It was painted in Milan, Italy in the 15th Century (1500s). It represents the scene from the Bible (John 13:21) where Jesus announced that one of his twelve apostles (Judas) would betray him, and then come back and save him. This painting took Da Vinci three years to paint (1495-1498 AD)
Dimensions: 450 x 870 cm
Medium: Dry Stone Wall sealed with pitch, gesso and mastic
This painting is famous for its hidden secrets hidden within it.
Many different versions of the painting have been created, some of which are quite amusing.

Many different versions of the painting have been created, some of which are quite amusing.
- Apostles: The 12 Apostles were strong followers of Jesus.
They were:
Simon, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, James, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas Iscariot and Matthias
- Dimensions: The size of the painting or artwork
- Medium: What it is painted on e.g canvas, wood etc.
- AD: Is is the shortened from for 'Anno Domini' meaning the years after the Christ was born.
e.g 2011 AD